The Role of Auditory Evoked Potentials in Evaluating Auditory Processing in Babies and Children CPDONLINE89


Session Overview: Auditory processing is an umbrella term that encompasses a number of skills such as binaural processing, frequency discrimination or temporal resolution. Auditory processing occurs at each level of the auditory pathway and can be assessed by behaviour measures or auditory evoked potentials. One advantage of auditory evoked potentials is minimal active participation thereby reducing the influence of attention or motivation. Another advantage of auditory evoked potential is that it can assess auditory pathway discretely, at brainstem and/or cortical level. The presentation will include two studies and their results to illustrate how auditory evoked potentials may be used to evaluate auditory processing in babies and children.


Presenter(s): Mridula Sharma


Event: Trans Tasman Conference 2020
CPD Points