Independent Audiology Practice Part 3: Finding, Articulating and Amplifying Your Value (the How) CPDONLINE118


Session Overview: What is it that makes your clinic different? How many of us struggle to articulate what it is we do, explain our value and the services we provide? Because we live and breath it every day we start to assume that people know what it is we do. We are a hearing care provider, an audiologist, a hearing specialist. Isn’t that self explanatory enough? Fact is, it isn’t. This session will identify who some of your audiences might be and what you could and perhaps should be communicating to them. Then take a look at how and where to amplify your value in order to reach and engage these audiences. By participating in this session, you will be able to: - Things to consider when your marketing budget has been annihilated - Marketing activities that can help to kick start your new post COVID-19 marketing momentum


Presenter(s): Katherine Toates


Event: Trans Tasman Conference 2020
CPD Points