Independent Audiology Practice Part 1: Preparing for Disaster (the Why) CPDONLINE116


Session Overview:This presentation will discuss preparing for and operation during a natural disaster, such as fire, typhoons, Pandemics. The discussion will present the need to preparation for these disasters to keep the clinic viable during times when there cannot be any business due to the disaster or legal orders that prevent the business from reopening. Recent tactical experiences during the Pandemic in the US will be presented as well as the purpose of and how to calculate the Defense Interval measure. The Defense Interval Measured discussed as to how it may be used to mitigate financial disaster during these business difficulties. A discussion of forecasting will be presented to demonstrate a method of fining out if loans will be necessary or if the defensive assets are sufficient to last through the disaster. By participating in this session, you will be able to: - Plan for your business during natural disasters or other similar disruptors - Understand the need for and the calculation of the Defense Intern Measure - Conduct forecasting as a part of business planning for natural disasters


Presenter(s): Robert Traynor and Katherine Toates


Event: Trans Tasman Conference 2020
CPD Points