Taking Cognitive Decline Into Account for Hearing Care - Supported by Amplifon CPDONLINE153


Session Overview: "Uhlmann (1989) and Lin (2011) published ground-breaking studies which showed that the risk to develop dementia increased significantly with increasing hearing loss. The lancet commission published two reports on “Dementia prevention, intervention, and care” in 2017 and 2020, where it’s stated that hearing loss is the most important modifiable risk factors for Dementia. On 3rd March 2021 (World Hearing Day), the World Health Organisation (WHO) launched the “World Report on Hearing”. In this report the relation between hearing loss, hearing care and dementia also gets a lot of attention. In this session, we will present the evidence on this relation and the reasons why and how hearing care can be used to reduce the risk of cognitive decline, but also how to adjust the hearing care protocol to take cognitive aspects into account."


Presenter(s): Facilitator: Rakhee Chandra, Presenter: Mark Laurenys


Event: AudA Webinar
CPD Points