Building Trust and Credibility: Especially Early in Your Career - Supported by Audika CPDONLINE120


Session Overview: "Trust is a fundamental emotional intelligent attribute. It’s easy to break, it’s takes ages to gain (or does it)? Think about societal trust. When it’s broken we can lose hope and become sceptical or even cynical. Things take longer as we are wary, and cost goes up. When trust is inherent within us and our organisation, society and community, we can keep things at a decent flowing pace (and let’s face it, it just feels better) and we don’t have to work so hard. But how do we do this especially when early in our career? In this session, Suzanne Waldron will address: Learning what trust really is as an emotion and how it affects my career early on What are the myths I can bust to build trust in myself and my relationships quickly Building credibly early on with patients and co-workers When trust is abundant, better things happen – the four cores of trust model; and The language of trust (hint: you’ve got to mean what you say)."


Presenter(s): Suzanne Waldron


Event: InspirED 2020
CPD Points