Audiology Now: Issue & Quiz 94 - December 2023


Our December 2023 issue of Audiology Now puts our new Strategic Directions 2023-2028 and Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan front and centre.
You'll also be able to read the third and final article covering a thought leadership presentation at the AudA 2023 Conference, Dr Gabrielle Saunders's research into auditory rehabilitation, tools and tests available to diagnose the cause of various listening difficulties, research reviews, and more! 
Take the quiz by 30 June 2024 (11.59pm AEST) to earn 1 CPD point for the 2023/24 CPD Cycle.
How do I view the flipbook and take the quiz?
To take the online quiz, click "Register Now" at the top of this page. If you have already registered, you should instead see text labelled: "You are registered for this module! Click here for more details". Follow the steps, and you will be presented with the flipbook version of Audiology Now, as well as the quiz underneath it.
How do I view Audiology Now and the quiz as PDFs?
CPD Points