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CPD re-endorsement application and payment form

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Dementia Ageing and Aged Care Mission: Additional recommendations provided by AudA (February 2020)

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Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission Roadmap (February 2020)

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The Diagnostic process for children, adolescent and adults referred for assessment of autism spectrum disorder in Australia: A national guideline (November 2017)

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Draft Guidance: Assistive Technologies and the Therapeutic Goods (Excluded Goods) Determination 2021

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Draft National Preventive Health Strategy (April 2021)

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DVA Compensation Medical Forms Review – Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Medical Impairment Assessment (June 2023)

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Essential Information for Applicants for Accreditation of Audiology Programs

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Essential Information for CAPA Applicants – Case-by-case Pathway

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Essential Information for CAPA Applicants- Pathway A

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